Thursday, February 12, 2015

Adobe CS6 Registration for Offline Activation and You Can Too!

So, they finally broke down and bought you Adobe CS6 eh? But you know you can't login with you're AdobeID, right? Because Adobe isn't allowed through the firewall, right? (THANKS DISA)

Well, have I got awesome news for you! Here's how to get your Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator registered and not explode in 7 days and you can too:

1. You should get the "Sign in now" page right away after starting your install and putting in your serial number for CS6. Choose sign in later if you haven't installed your CS6 yet.
2. Once you're installed, start up Illustrator and choose the "help" menu up top, then "product registration".
3. It'll bring up the "Sign in Required" page, but that's what we want. You'll see the "Having trouble connecting to the internet?" link now, click it.  It should have also opened up the offline activation website at Adobe. Don't close that.
4. You'll now get the  "No Internet Connection" page and the option (finally) to do an "Offline Activation". Click that button:
5. Now, you'll see the steps for an offline activation and the button to generate a request code. Click that bad boy!

6. You'll see a new screen with your request code shown (I've blurred mine out). Copy this to your clipboard and have it handy for the Adobe website to follow:
7. Now, at the website for your request code, you'll click the "Generate a Response Code" link right in the middle of that page:
8. It'll prompt you to sign in with your AdobeID next. So, do that:

9. Now, you'll paste the request code you generated and enter your serial number that you probably lost and just spent the last 4 hours looking for, or you're realizing you need that number now and are going to leave this page for tomorrow. At any rate, paste your code and enter your SN, then click "Generate Response Code".
10. If you were successful you'll see this next page showing you the response code for your offline activation. Copy the response code to your clipboard and we're almost done!
12. Now, take the response code you've just copied and paste it into the offline activation window you left open (You did leave that open, right?) and click (finally!) "Activate".
13. Finally! You're activated and CS6 won't asplode your computer! Now go have fun making all those Photoshops of your boss's head onto a donkey.
14. You're done. Get outta here. Close the window already. GAWD.


  1. UyNO TUOB EB5v w1SS h8gr YlTX v+9r 4qkJ GQSG pLeN 6hY=

    1. Chriscientfic: Adobe Cs6 Registration For Offline Activation And You Can Too! >>>>> Download Now

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      Chriscientfic: Adobe Cs6 Registration For Offline Activation And You Can Too! >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      Chriscientfic: Adobe Cs6 Registration For Offline Activation And You Can Too! >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK IT

  2. hi

    i need Offline Activation Request code
    UyNO TUOB EB5v w1SS h8gr YlTX v+9r 4qkJ GQSG pLeN 6hY=

  3. kI4b E5KG iuKf oiLK P4yZ H6Wb uzyq Zpq6 mVYC di5/ ZUw=

  4. Enter your comment...please these is my request code : oC3S Kh4l dfD7 oGKp jm3a 0hVp 0kV1 Yeh3 AF30 VfvZ UPl= please help me with the response code

  5. This is my request code: /yYF NoEo HYIg 8lnz Q7lU rcKU XEjV 23hk pafv umKc 2qw=

    Please can I have a response code?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i need response code please=> vv7n fXEl GyDz 2w7Q HHCP nf5E fwiq E5fr mKxZ gvOb MCI=

  8. i need response code please, qACs QBcv 1rpX jArg gPAs Fh6j fNlx LBsb t0Dy QpU=

  9. d8f3 qACs QBcv 1rpX jArg gPAs Fh6j fNlx LBsb t0Dy QpU=
    i need response code please

  10. i want to download it and install it offline

  11. i want response code please

    Fhgp UGJj sd6L P8Fy A5AN Bk7K Nw5j wh2O B13+ UpsN xL4=

  12. I need response code for
    /u2R Jd9L 1I/P JBJm TtmW /a7TS y9TS yt6r 3ycl zGUm j3E=

  13. I need response code for
    2dpN PzS4 Perj jsbH ZS7 + 29j7 llsl Mx/4 f99l O + Jb MDQ =

  14. I need response code for

    EujX QDMY Dm+F l7gM 1JJB fTKO Ny0/ olue 7bRa p0JY 36k=

  15. Chriscientfic: Adobe Cs6 Registration For Offline Activation And You Can Too! >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Chriscientfic: Adobe Cs6 Registration For Offline Activation And You Can Too! >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Chriscientfic: Adobe Cs6 Registration For Offline Activation And You Can Too! >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK 4d
